Austin-Healey Replica Forum
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Austin-Healey Replica Forum
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Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 6:09 am

Forum News

  • Topics
  • 20221225
    Storms have been pummeling eastern Canada the last few days. Just wanting to wish safe and Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas to everyone. santa

    by David V. - Comments: 3 - Views: 744
  • 20210821
    Dear fellow Sebring enthusiasts,

    Beware of any suspicious private messages sent via the forum messaging system. I've recently received a highly inappropriate one from what is clearly a bot account and not a real person. I recommend immediately deleting any private messages that are not sent by a member who has been participating in the Sebring discussions or is of content not relating to Sebrings/Healeys/etc. Please message or e-mail me if you receive any such suspicious messages as I will be monitoring the situation.

    Please, please, please, whatever you do, do not click...

    by David V. - Comments: 1 - Views: 621
  • 20210715
    Just a quick note for those who wish to create a user account with us:
    Please double-check that your e-mail address is correct before finishing the account creation process.

    Every once in a while I receive e-mails from confused individuals who've started receiving our newsletter because someone entered the wrong e-mail address (I.E. as opposed to, and I have no option but to delete the account as I can't contact the member who created it without knowing their real e-mail.

    If you suddenly found your account to be deleted...

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 313
  • 20210308
    Good day Sebring Owners,

    You may notice on the right side of the page that there is a new widget displaying a classified for Monrob's replacement Body Panels ------->
    There is also a dedicated subsection for new replacement parts in the classifieds section of the forum to which the widget links back to if you click on it.

    ****Please note that this is a classified listing posted by Monrob/Sebring22 with my authorization. I have no affiliations to Sebring22/Monrob (Robert Haugen)...

    by David V. - Comments: 2 - Views: 587
  • 20200610
    Some of you may have noticed a newly registered user posting spam messages advertising a shady certification service. I have taken the liberty of banning this user, who clearly had no interest in Healey replicas and deleting his account. There is nothing preventing him from creating other accounts, but I will monitor the situation and deal with it where appropriate. Please notify me by private message if you receive any unsolicited messages or see any unwarranted replies in forum threads not relating to forum topics.

    Thank you everyone, enjoy the driving season!

    by David V. - Comments: 1 - Views: 506
  • 20191231
    Hello everyone,

    I'd just like to take this opportunity to send out a special thanks to all our long-time members who have stuck around and contributed to making the site what it is today, and offer a very warm welcome to any new faces who've just joined us. We are heading into our sixth year since the forum's creation, and with over 430 registered users I'm very happy to say that, as administrator, I have never had to take down any offensive posts or witnessed any argument between users. I've also personally transacted with some of our members to acquire parts for my project, and everyone...

    by David V. - Comments: 3 - Views: 561
  • 20190916
    Hey all,

    It has been an exceedingly busy summer, though I've gotten quite a bit of work done on the car that I'll be excited to share with you all. As of yesterday I am officially back in Scotland, and shall resume monitoring the forum more regularly (let's face it I was slacking tongue ).

    Enjoy the fall weather while it lasts!



    by David V. - Comments: 1 - Views: 518
  • 20190629
    Greetings fellow motorists,

    I am now back from my business trip, and am in Canada for the coming months. Unfortunately my computer is fried, so if I have not yet answered your e-mail or uploaded your photo, i do apologize and thank you for your patience. Currently shopping for a replacement.

    I hope you all get to enjoy some summer weather



    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 538
  • 20190603
    Hey guys,

    Just a quick update since I've been getting a lot of messages and e-mails. I'm going to be a little slow in answering and posting in the next three weeks/month since I'm away on a business trip. Will find some time to check in every once in a while.

    Enjoy that top-down summer weather!


    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 471
  • 20190106
    Hello everyone, and Happy New Year!

    I just wanted to take a quick moment to let you know that I'm running quite far behind on my e-mails.
    If you've sent me any kind of message and I haven't yet replied, I do apologize.
    Unfortunately the reason is not that I've been fattening up on holiday treats, but instead that I've been working 18h night shifts for the past two weeks.

    Thank you for your understanding

    David V. santa

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 637
  • 20181122
    I'd like to wish a very happy Thanksgiving to the American arm of our little Sebring family. I appreciate how much you all invest yourselves into making forum content, and helping each other out. I've been a part of many forums over the years, and have never before encountered such a respectful group of automotive enthusiasts. It speaks for itself that I have never had to ban or kick anyone, and have never even needed to censor or delete any offensive forum posts. Where else on the internet does that happen? Shocked...

    by David V. - Comments: 3 - Views: 633
  • 20181102
    Good evening everyone, I hope you all had a properly spooky Halloween.  afro

    Some of you may have noticed that the main page looks a bit different today. Not to worry! The trick-or-treaters didn't run off with the "Classic Roadster's Specific Discussion" section, it was instead eliminated to further streamline the forum, and to make it easier for New Members to know where to post.

    All the content from the "Classic-Roadster's Specific Discussion" has been preserved, and re-shuffled to either the...

    by David V. - Comments: 2 - Views: 690
  • 20180523
    Good evening,

    Just to let our members know that I'm currently encountering an issue with advertisement removal for members, and am working on a fix. Forumotion recently changed the way forum owners can disable ads. Previously this was done by paying a base fee of approximately 12$ per year. They have recently changed their system so that we can only buy "packages" that include ad removal, and are much more expensive.

    For the moment you may see ads on the forum page. I appreciate your patience as I work to resolve this issue.


    David V.

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 781
  • 20180322
    Quick update: I've moved the "Tech questions" section so it appears higher than the "Build threads" section, as too many people have been posting tech related questions in the "Build Threads" section.

    Please remember to post in the appropriate sections, as your topic may be moved or deleted at my discretion. The "Build thread" section is meant to serve as a build diary. Please see Hotrod's build thread or my build thread if you would like to see an example.

    All the best,



    by David V. - Comments: 1 - Views: 716
  • 20180227
    Good afternoon fellow enthusiasts,

    Due to a recent update of the forum that modified some default settings, a Newsletter about the most active posts was accidentally sent out to all current members. My apologies to everyone.

    I have always refrained from implementing any form of Newsletter, as I believe we tend to receive enough spam as it is, in this day and age.

    If anyone loves the idea of Newsletters, please feel free to voice your opinion. Otherwise I plan on leaving the functionality turned off.


    David V.


    by David V. - Comments: 3 - Views: 594
  • 20171216
    Just wishing you guys happy holidays, and a happy 2018! (when it decides to come around).
    I will be away for the next two weeks but will resume answering e-mails as soon as I return.

    Stay safe out on the roads! Most cars aren't as sharp as a Sebring.


    David santa

    by David V. - Comments: 1 - Views: 547
  • 20170814
    Good evening everyone,

    This is just a quick message to let you know that I am now set up in Edinburgh Scotland (with a full internet connection), and that I will resume tending to the forum as is usual.

    So far this city has been an amazing experience, and the automotive diversity makes it all-the-more interesting. Brands from all corners of the world are represented, from Japanese to American to British, and even many French cars, as well as a plethora of Alfa Romeos. Quite a few Lotuses and vintage Land Rovers can frequently be seen cruising the streets. No Healeys as of...

    by David V. - Comments: 4 - Views: 729
  • 20170519
    Good evening everyone,

    I am very excited to make a grand announcement: I am moving to Scotland! cheers
    Not to worry though! The forum will continue to operate as is usual (isn't the internet wonderful).

    I have been offered a career opportunity that I simply cannot pass up, and will most likely be returning to Canada in a few short years. Unfortunately, my Sebring will be staying here (in a very nice climate controlled storage) until I return,...

    by David V. - Comments: 10 - Views: 777
  • 20170521
    Good evening guys,

    Just a general notice that I've renewed the ad removal (for forum members) for another year (so until May 22nd 2018).

    Get wrenching!


    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 590
  • 20170313
    Hey guys, can we get more people voting on the poll I set up in the last Forum News post? So far there are only two votes...

    by David V. - Comments: 3 - Views: 769
  • 20170302
    As promised, here is the poll to see if we keep the new classified ads section format.
    I'll leave it up for a few weeks so everyone has time to chime in.


    David V.

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 724
  • 20170301
    For those who have always wondered how to post pictures in their messages. I have created a handy tutorial post that you can find in the "New Member's" section here: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    I would also recommend to everyone to familiarise themselves with the other icons above the message bar, as there are a whole host of features that you may or may not be aware of. For example: did you know you can...

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 563
  • 20170211
    Good evening everyone,

    I have enabled the new classified ads function for a trial run. You can access it by going into the regular classifieds section, in which it will appear in a third sub-heading (under the known listings one).

    Another separate option is the enabling of the classified ads widget, which can be seen on the far right of the forum =========>
    Under the gallery widget. This new widget would relay the classified ads to the front page to help their exposure.

    As part of this test I would invite all of you to go try out the new ads section to see...

    by David V. - Comments: 2 - Views: 785
  • 20170130
    We've reached 200 registered members. Congrats guys!

    -AHR admin

    by David V. - Comments: 2 - Views: 603
  • 20170128
    Good evening everyone,

    A minor notice to those who may not be up to date with the latest tech trends:

    The google chrome web browser will be transitioning to what is called "https standards" instead of the previous "http" format.
    What this dumbs down to is: google will now use a form of "pre-approval" for website security.
    Therefore, if your internet browser is google chrome, you may receive a small security alert when on a web page that starts with "http" instead of "https" (as does ours).

    Do not be alarmed, this does not mean a site (ours) is not...

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 596
  • 20161220
    Good evening everyone,

    A few notices for the coming weeks:

    -I have not had time to set up the test run of the classifieds section. I will be doing so after the holiday period.

    -I will be away (to a place with no internet) from now until January 1st, and will therefore not be able to respond to any personal messages or e-mails until then.

    -I am aware there are a few people waiting to have their cars added to the registry. I plan to do this as soon I get back, and I thank you for your patience.

    -I would like to point out that we have almost...

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 756
  • 20161124
    Good evening fellow Petrolheads!  Very Happy

    I have just recently been made aware of a new function in the forumotion platform that would enable us to have a dedicated "classified ads" section that comes with a bunch of associated tools. In our case it may be useful to sell cars and parts more efficiently than the current "in-forum post" system.

    To be clear: This does not add spam to the forum, it is for us members to list specific Healey-Replica related items...

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 668
  • 20160522
    Hey guys, sorry I forgot to renew the add removal, will do that right away


    by David V. - Comments: 1 - Views: 746
  • 20160318
    Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to a long awaited Spring Wink

    The gallery has now been updated with all the picture's you've sent in and the corresponding storage space has been optimized. I invite anyone who does not have photos of their car in the gallery to send some in to [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] so that we call all drool over...

    by David V. - Comments: 8 - Views: 872
  • 20160202
    Good evening fellow members!

    I am proud to announce the completion of a massive overhaul of the forum database section. Very Happy
    You will now find all the documents which you have all contributed by e-mail, as well as relevant ones that have migrated over from the yahoo group by Dave Amos's permission.

    For ease of use I have combined all similar and related files into single documents, put everything in PDF format, and had all the files compressed to minimize data utilisation and to speed...

    by David V. - Comments: 4 - Views: 844
  • 20160120
    Quick notice to all members,

    Forumotion has reported a problem with the servimg servers. Meaning that picture attachments to messages may not work for the next 24-48 hours.

    They are currently working to fix the issue a.s.a.p.


    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 637
  • 20160103
    Good day fellow roadster enthusiasts! I hope all of you have spent amazing and relaxing holidays. santa

    Just an interesting tidbit I thought I would share with you:
    After checking some stats today I noticed that the forum popularity has grown enough for us to be listed at the top of page 2 of google search results for both "Austin Healey replica" and "Austin Healey forum" searches (which are my two go-to checks). This is a big jump from 4 months ago when we were on page 4, 6 months ago when we were...

    by David V. - Comments: 4 - Views: 746
  • 20150627
    This month marks the 1 year anniversary since the creation of this forum. What started out as an empty shell of a site is now loaded with valuable information thanks to all of you. Indeed, thank you all for taking the time to participate and to share your experiences, whether good or bad, so that we may all learn from them. I believe we are blessed with a strong and passionate community.  Smile

    I would also like to point out that last month we surpassed the 100 member mark  

    by David V. - Comments: 3 - Views: 1086
  • 20150516
    Hello everyone, please note that I will be away on a trip to Europe from May 20th (next Wednesday) until June 21st. The site will continue to function normally, but I may not be able to respond to e-mails and personal messages. I will occasionally check up on the site whenever I have access to a computer, but trust that no issues will arise. If anything does come up, please send a message to the site e-mail address: [You must be registered and logged in ...

    by David V. - Comments: 7 - Views: 877
  • 20150222
    Hi all.

    The website now has a customized favicon that I drew up from scratch.
    If you have no clue what a favicon is, its that little icon to the left of the website address (right next to the forward and back buttons)
    Kind of a picture/icon identifying the site. Ours is now blue (instead of the old green bubble) and reads AHR.
    This also changes the colour of the forward and back buttons.

    It's a small change, but it's all in the details Very Happy

    P.S. The icon may or...

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 688
  • 20150208
    A notice to everyone, the "comments/suggestions/feedback" section has been moved within the "Forum News" category along with the "Forum News" Blog in an effort to reduce the number of categories appearing on the main page (for easier browsing and less confusion).

    You can now access both the "comments/suggestion feedback" section and "Forum News" blog simply by clicking on "Forum News" category on the main page.



    by David V. - Comments: 2 - Views: 687
  • 20150209
    A category called "Other" has been created to house both the "classifieds" and the "off-topic sections".

    Always looking to improve


    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 644
  • 20150208
    In a similar fashion to what was done to the "Comments/Suggestions/Feedback" section, the "For Sale/Wanted" & "Known Listings" Sections have been moved into a common category name "Classifieds".

    The idea is to be able to see all the main forum categories at once when logging on to the site without having to scroll down.

    Cheers! Let me know what you think


    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 718
  • 20150207
    Hi guys, the image hosting software (servimg) has just crashed, making both the forum background and banner disappear. This happened while I was playing in the coding so at first I thought it was an error by me. Turns out it has affected other forums as well. I will try to get stuff looking normal again as soon as possible. Cheers!


    by David V. - Comments: 3 - Views: 649
  • 20150207
    -Removed the line under the header saying: Date/Time and Date/Time of last log in. (Much cleaner and I doubt anyone used it)

    -Removed lines under each category listing the moderators for that particular category (Again cleaner look + as of right now I'm the only moderator) (Dave Amos decided to relinquish his position as moderator as it would require learning the site architecture)

    Starting to look pretty good Very Happy

    David-AHR Administrator

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 674
  • 20150205
    -The "Saxon Specific Discussion" category has been removed to make the site cleaner and since it was not being used. We did not have sections specific to the MX or 5000, so the saxon may be discussed in the classic-roadsters specific section along with the other models.
    -The "Database" section has been moved out of the "Sebring Sportscars" heading and into the "General" heading.
    -The search bar present in the banner has been removed for a cleaner look. The one still present in the right side-bar (over the gallery widget) serves the same function.

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 697
  • 20150204
    As you guys can see when you clicked on the "forum news" category today, the layout has changed slightly. It is still used in the same way but is now in blog format. What does this mean? How does this affect me? you might ask.  Question

    Well before, when I posted forum news, you guys were not allowed to reply to my message because the "Forum News" Section was reserved just for what administrators post.

    But Now!

    You guys can now respond in the form of...

    by David V. - Comments: 1 - Views: 774
  • 20150204
    Finally! Although most of you may not have noticed the issue, the forum banner (at the top with the healey silhouette) would repeat on wide screens (I have a 17''). This issue is now fixed, after much research on how to do it manually through CSS code.

    Have a nice day guys

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 767
  • 20141222
    Hello everyone, it has been proposed recently to create a voluntary registry of Sebrings to keep track of the ownership and changes to our cars. I found this to be a very good idea, which is why those of you with adequate blood coffee levels will have noticed the new button on navigation bar at the top of the page entitled "Replica Registry".

    If you have not noticed it yet, put down the eggnog, take a sip of coffee and look up ^^^^ (It's next to the gallery tab, keep reading before you click)

    The registry is still in the process of being set up, and as such, I am...

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 2904
  • 20140926
    Hello everyone, recently I have found that the image hosting software for this site has become increasingly difficult to use. It seems to only want to upload photos when it wants to, and when it does it is very slow. For these reasons I now recommend that anyone wanting to post their own images within a topic do so via Photobucket (, which is an online photo hosting software that provides what are called "URL"s which can be copy pasted directly into your topic so as to post the photo for everyone to see.

    The site currently uses an integrated software called...

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 747
  • 20140907
    A notice to all members, I have recently changed my primary computer. Now that I have a 17'' screen, I have noticed that the main banner atop the website has been formatted incorrectly so as to repeat itself on the right hand side when viewed on a wide screen. I will remedy to this issue shortly as soon as I finish configuring my new system. If anyone has noticed any other irregularities I would ask you to please let me know by posting in the feedback section, as I may not be able to see them depending on my computer or browser and wish to optimize the site for a wide array of users.

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 786
  • 20140726
    Hello everyone, the forum gallery has now been opened for all members to post pictures themselves. Please note that storage space is limited. Pictures can have a maximum file size of 1mb and maximum dimensions of 800X600 pi. Please only post pictures of your sebring in the gallery. Images of any other subject are to be posted in one of the threads using the file-hosting service provided.

    Thank you

    David: forum admin

    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 816
  • 20140720
    Recently some of our members have contributed to the site credits system. The forum administration team thanks you very much for your help in keeping the site add free for registered users. Your credits have been applied and will ensure another 6 months free of advertisements. Hopefully site traffic will soon increase and we can have some interesting discussions.

    Many thanks


    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 746
  • 20140614
    Hello, I am pleased to announce that the forum is now up and running and open to public access. Welcome to the community! Be sure to start off by checking out the "New Members" category for information on forum usage and to introduce yourself.


    by David V. - Comments: 0 - Views: 863

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