Austin-Healey Replica Forum
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Austin-Healey Replica Forum
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Austin-Healey Replica Forum
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Update to Forum Configuration

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Update to Forum Configuration Empty Update to Forum Configuration

Good evening everyone, I hope you all had a properly spooky Halloween.  afro

Some of you may have noticed that the main page looks a bit different today. Not to worry! The trick-or-treaters didn't run off with the "Classic Roadster's Specific Discussion" section, it was instead eliminated to further streamline the forum, and to make it easier for New Members to know where to post.

All the content from the "Classic-Roadster's Specific Discussion" has been preserved, and re-shuffled to either the "Tech Questions" or the "General Discussion" categories, as appropriate. None of it is lost.

This has allowed the "Sebring Sportscars" sub-heading to be eliminated, and for the "Sebring International Specific Discussion" category to be moved into the "Other" sub-heading, as it does not see much activity.

The "other replicas" section has been eliminated due to inactivity. Any posts about other Healey replicas can fall under the "General Discussion" category.

I hope you all enjoy these small changes which are meant to make the forum more user-friendly.


David V.
David V.
David V.

Posts : 951
Join date : 2014-05-27

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Update to Forum Configuration :: Comments


Post Sun Nov 04, 2018 9:58 pm by Jerry & Lisa Mills

Thanks David.
Good plan

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Post Mon Nov 05, 2018 12:15 pm by Jimboquick

Thanks David.

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